Thursday, 27 September 2012

Philip King, CEO of Institute of Credit Management (ICM) - 'Judge or Jury'

I had the privilege of sitting on the judging panel last week for the SME category of the National Business Awards. It was the first time I've been a judge where the nominees have to present a 'pitch' and it was a fascinating experience. I've always wondered what it felt like to be a dragon in the den, and I guess this is the closest I'll ever get to finding out!

There were 12 entries and we spent a long day listening to a series of presentations from a range of very diverse businesses. It was inspirational hearing from people who have turned an idea into a business that is thriving and, in some cases, hugely successful in a very short space of time.

The common theme, certainly among the front runners, was unbridled energy and enthusiasm and a passion for a business that entrepreneurs saw as 'their baby'. If those qualities could be replicated and reproduced across business, it's hard to believe we'd still be struggling to see the recovery for which we all yearn. So often, the idea was simple and certainly not rocket science. As a judge, I was left thinking why somebody else hadn't thought of it before and wishing I had a more creative mind that could spot what seemed like obvious opportunities once somebody else has pointed them out!

The Start-Up Loans Company in which I'm involved has now started lending and, at the Board Meeting this week, we were hearing examples of young people who are determined to turn an idea into a successful business and - judging by their determination - will do so.

On the political front, we've heard Vince Cable's announcement about the new Government-funded bank to support SMEs. The devil, as always, will be in the detail but I certainly welcome the plan to bring together in one place Government finance support for small and mid-sized businesses. As I've said here recently, the multiplicity and complexity of schemes often results in them almost working against each other so if the new bank helps to simplify and de-clutter the landscape, it can only be a good thing.

It was good to meet Michael Fallon, the new Business Minister, this week and I'm at the Labour and Conservative conferences over the next two weeks. It will be interesting to hear what the parties have to say at this mid-way point of the current Government.

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