I'm often reminded by our members - and I in turn remind government in meetings - that trade creditors lend more to businesses than the banks and - just as bank lending decisions impact on the ability of the economy to grow - so do the credit decisions of credit professionals. When they decline or accept an order or contract, they impact on the whole trade cycle for themselves, their customer, their customer's customer and so on either negatively or positively. That in turn impacts on the economy and its capacity to grow. In isolation of course, an individual transaction is probably not material, but cumulatively the impact is immense.
In my blog last week, I talked about showing and being proud of our professionalism - that professionalism is manifested in the decisions we reach throughout all credit management activity. Getting them right, whether we're dealing with multi-national corporations or individual consumers, is vitally important and we shouldn't underestimate the impact we have, not only on our own organisations but on the wider economic well-being.
Please click here to complete the ICM UK Credit Managers' Index - it only takes 2 minutes.
If you haven't already signed up to participate in the ICM UK Credit Managers' Index, please join the panel that commits to complete it quarterly and contribute to this influential and important industry benchmark. The results are widely publicised in the trade and financial press, and on the ICM website, and all participants will automatically receive access to the results and summary prior to general release.
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