Thursday 5 January 2012

Weekly Blog by Philip King, CEO of the ICM - 'Be careful what you wish for'

In a Financial Times survey of 83 economists (including 11 former members of the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee) earlier this week there was a consensus, by a majority of three to one, that the economic outlook in 2012 would deteriorate. It also showed that almost all of those expressing an opinion said the UK outlook would be much worse if the Euro collapsed. I can't say I'm surprised by the findings - I think we've all known for a while that this year is going to be tough and little better - if at all - than 2011.

I quoted Richard Tyler of the Telegraph in my blog on 1 December saying that we should all commit not to say Britain would have another recession on the basis that these things can become self-fulfilling. I'm not sure what impact our words have but I do know something of the positive impact credit professionals can have on their businesses and that is something we certainly should be talking about.

2012 is the year when we, as credit professionals, need to stand up and be counted. We need to make sure that our peers, colleagues, and Boards know and understand the contribution we can - and do - make. When a potential order is difficult to accept, we can engineer payment terms and security to make the unacceptable acceptable. When a coveted order is almost out of reach, payment terms used cleverly can make the unattainable attainable. When a situation with a debtor is looking like it could go horribly wrong, careful management and close contact can make the potentially irrecoverable recoverable.

Whatever sector and industry we work in, and whatever our role, we need to show our professionalism, be proud of our profession, and raise awareness of the significance of our contribution. Two practical steps we might take: firstly, calculate the cash-flow value of one day's sales to our businesses so we can talk about our contribution in terms of hard cash rather than the reduction of one day in DSO (the former is much more meaningful to the rest of the business). Secondly, we can show we are professionals and belong to an organisation representing our profession by wearing the new ICM badge. If you haven't got yours yet, simply send an email to quoting your correct email address and saying how many people currently work in your credit department.

I'm not a great believer in New Year's resolutions but I do passionately believe in setting goals, and showing commitment to them by monitoring progress. For 2012, be proud of your professionalism, stand up and be counted, and don't be afraid to demonstrate your value.

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