Thursday, 15 December 2011

Weekly Blog by Philip King, CEO of the ICM - 'Towards a better future'

This will be my last blog for 2011 so I'm pleased to focus on a couple of real positives.

First, congratulations to Martin Lewis for passing the 100,000 signatories threshold with his petition to make financial education a compulsory part of the school curriculum. The milestone is significant because it means the subject must now be discussed by Parliament, and it's an important subject well worth debating.

The report generated by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Financial Education for Young People says that "two-thirds of people in the UK feel too confused to make the right choices about their money and more than a third say they don't have the right skills to properly manage their cash". If we allow children to leave school without the necessary skills to manage their money we are going to reap the deserved harvest in years to come. As credit professionals we know only too well the impact of over-indebtedness and that is why the ICM has encouraged its members to engage in the DebtCred project delivering financial education to 14-19 year-olds.

DebtCred is just one initiative and there are numerous similar projects, materials and voluntary activities all with a similar aim and many accredited by pfeg (Personal Finance Education Group) that exists to help schools plan and teach financial capability. A huge amount of good work goes on but it is all ad-hoc and dependent upon the willingness and appetite of individual schools and indeed teachers to engage. When financial education is a compulsory part of the curriculum, all children will receive training in what is a vital skill. I've heard the argument that there is little point in addressing financial education until basic numeracy and literacy skills are adequately addressed. Of course that is true, but the two are not mutually exclusive; even someone who can't read or write has to manage their money, and both should have focus within the curriculum.

Secondly, the Forum of Private Business has been engaging many organisations in preparing a letter to Mark Prisk, the Business Minister urging government to have a clear and detailed plan to address the issue of late payment which can, and all too often does, cripple a small business. The Institute is a co-signatory to the letter and it suggests a number of specific actions that might be taken.

Government has done some good things with its Prompt Payment Code (hosted and administered by the ICM), and its current Finance Fitness campaign but more needs to be done and it needs to be done more cohesively. I'm writing these words shortly after being interviewed on BBC Radio 5Live Wake up to Money and my message is clear. Government needs to recognise late payment for the issue it is and formulate a plan to address it. The business culture needs to change such that paying on time is the norm rather than the exception. But businesses themselves have to be smarter at getting the basics of credit management right, and we credit professionals need to be willing to share our skill and expertise so that our customers can deliver cash for their businesses just as we deliver cash for ours.

The recently launched ICM Online Services (icmOS) SME Collection Toolkit is an attempt to provide a practical tool to achieve that aim.

The ICM press release can be found here, the FPB release here, our Managing Cashflow Guides here, and the icmOS SME Collection Toolkit here.

If you would like to listen to Philp's interview on BBC Radio 5Live click here.

I hope 2011 has been a good year for you and - after some relaxation time at Christmas - I hope 2012 will be even better. See you next year!

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Weekly Blog by Philip King, CEO of the ICM - 'A source for good'

A slightly unusual topic for me this week prompted by recent personal experience. I was involved with a police force at the weekend about a missing person. The details and circumstances aren't important but the police wanted to know everything I knew about the missing person who has gone AWOL many miles from home and may need help.

My wife and I shared all we knew (which wasn't much to be honest) and my wife referred the police to Facebook which included a number of friends in the area where they were looking, and had comments that might give clues as to their whereabouts. We were asked if we had a picture of the individual and we confirmed we had but pointed out that a more recent and clearer one was on Facebook.

Extraordinarily, a few minutes later we received a phone call asking if we could download the picture and email it, along with any other relevant information, because the police didn't have access to Facebook and so couldn't use that source of information! I don't know if this is common to all police forces and I don't know the detailed reasons why access is denied but - in today's age - I was incredulous that such a productive source of information couldn't be used!

I discussed the use of Facebook in tracing debtors following the release of the OFT's Debt Collection Guidance a few weeks ago and shared my view that the content of the guidance was being misrepresented by the media. We've also recently heard the ongoing debate about how social media was insufficiently monitored during the riots across the UK in the summer.

Social media is a powerful tool that can be used for good - as well as bad - but it strikes me that the potential 'dangers' of Facebook et al and sensitivities over privacy, while understandable, are getting in the way of progress. It certainly seems absurd that the police could not pursue what to me would have been a blindingly obvious line of enquiry.

Whether we like it or not, social media is here to stay and we can't just ignore it. The ICM has heavily embraced Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook because we know a proportion of our members are using them and we see many benefits.

I fear, however, that in certain cases bureaucracy is winning and the loser is someone who could really need help!

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Weekly Blog by Philip King, CEO of the ICM - 'Keep calm and carry on'

Not much good news from George Osborne yesterday then: six more years of austerity, even more public sector jobs to go, falling household disposable incomes, earnings growing slower than inflation until 2014, only 0.7 percent growth in the economy for the whole of next year, and potentially even worse if the Eurozone can't sort itself out. And I'm writing this in a London coffee bar with hoards of police outside in anticipation of a planned march and the biggest strike action for years.

Yet despite there being plenty of reasons to be depressed there was a moment that tickled me during the Chancellor's statement in the House yesterday when the Speaker stopped him mid-stream and said: "The House needs to calm down; one Honourable Member has probably already shouted enough for one day"! The antics of our politicians never cease to amaze me with behaviour that you'd see nowhere else, except perhaps a playground!

So what can we do about it and is bemoaning our lot going to improve things? I think not. I was struck by a tweet by Richard Tyler, Enterprise Editor at the Telegraph. Richard and I don't always agree but I couldn't argue with the sentiment he expressed when he suggested - in response to the expected grim statements in the House and the OECD saying Britain may have another recession - that we should all decide 'not to say it and it won't become true'.

We're surrounded by economists forecasting gloom; most of our businesses are probably struggling, and yet if we keep reminding ourselves how bad things are, we're in danger of talking ourselves into a depressing vortex.

As credit professionals we make a valuable contribution to our businesses in maximising cash-flow and mitigating risk. It's time for us to raise our professionalism further by actively looking for opportunities that the sales team can exploit, by finding ways of doing business that we might otherwise have to reject, and by being seen as the bright corner of the organisation where people can think - and act - in a more positive light.