Thursday, 21 November 2013

Weekly Blog by Philip King, CEO of the ICM - 'Changing the mindset of start-ups'

I've had some interesting meetings this week with BIS officials and Ministers, and other organisations, talking about late payment. No doubt you'll have seen David Cameron's announcement in October that a consultation was going to be launched looking at the issue, and I mentioned it in this blog column a few weeks ago.

One of the meetings was a round table involving a large number of organisations looking for practical steps that might help SMEs to manage their cashflow better. There's no doubt that the required change in culture that I often refer to is needed throughout the supply chain. Big businesses need to take a responsible approach in dealing with their suppliers, and smaller businesses need to apply basic good credit management principles.

Therein though lies the challenge. For many micro businesses, cashflow only becomes important when it runs short, and that's no surprise. If I'm trying to start a business, I'm bound to be more worried about finding customers and delivering my service or product than I am about such things as agreeing payment terms, invoicing accurately and promptly, and chasing unpaid amounts.

But this is what needs to change - we need to make the mindset of start-up businesses one that recognises the importance of cash from day one, that applies the basic principles that credit professionals understand so well. Unless that happens, too many businesses will never grow beyond the micro stage and too many businesses will fail. So what's the answer? I am not sure I know - I wish I did - but I'm glad to be engaged in the debate and to be working with others in looking for solutions.

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