Thursday, 28 June 2012

Weekly Blog by Philip King, CEO of the ICM - 'The power of collective action'

I blogged a couple of weeks ago about the impact we can have as individuals and the responsibility that carries with it. Developing that thinking, I've been reminded this week of the collective power of individuals coming together with a collective aim. Winston Churchill is oft quoted as saying: ‘Never doubt that small groups of people can change the world. In fact it’s the only thing that ever has.’

I attended my second board meeting of the Start-up Loans Company this week and James Caan has pulled together a formidable group of people, allocating responsibility for particular aspects of the programme to each director. In four weeks an amazing amount has been achieved both individually and collectively by a group of people who believe in the benefit of what is being delivered and are committed to making it happen. We are at the start of a really exciting journey and I believe the concept and reality of Start-up Loans is going to be a huge success about which I'll no doubt write more in the months ahead.

When I look around the membership of the ICM, I see similar stories every week. A group of people come together as a branch committee, for example, and deliver events for local credit professionals that educate, energise, and motivate them to deliver more as individuals and for their organisations. At ICM HQ, following our restructure in January, I see the team working together with members and other stakeholders to deliver quality events for the wider credit community; in the last couple of weeks alone, I've witnessed this at our Regional Roadshow in Cardiff, the QiCM Best Practice Event at Reading, the Fellows' Lunch and Graduate Reception in London, and the Education Conference in Birmingham.

To close with a further quotation, this time from Aristotle: ‘the whole is more than the sum of its parts’. Working individually and collectively, we can make a real contribution and make a real difference. That's what our credit community is all about.

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Weekly Blog by Philip King, CEO of the ICM - 'Measure for measure'

The Government has this week published its response to the BIS Select Committee's report on Debt Management published in March and it makes interesting reading.  The original report contained 23 recommendations and the government responds to each one in turn. The document can be found here and what pleases me is the measured and proportionate nature of the responses.
The timetable for the planned review of the regulatory framework, including the transfer of regulatory powers from the OFT to the FCA, is set out with the final transfer expected to take place by April 2014.  Having a clear timetable and plan including expected consultation dates is helpful.  The more interesting aspects, however, relate to payday loans and debt management companies.

On payday loans, the Government refers to the work it has been carrying out with the four main trade associations representing over 90% of the payday loan market to improve consumer protection in their codes of practice.  These improvements together with the OFT’s review investigating levels of compliance with the Consumer Credit Act are, in my view, the right approach before any more stringent measures are considered.  Furthermore, the codes include measures to address the issues of rollover loans, affordability assessment, and continuous payment authority, and the Government has undertaken to review how best to include high-cost credit transactions in credit files.

In summary, close engagement with the trade associations to introduce enhanced consumer protections into their codes of practice and their commitment to publish a common industry-wide Good Practice Customer Charter setting out in a clear, concise and user-friendly format what customers of payday and other short-term loans should expect from their lender is positive and encouraging.  One can never condone poor practice but I believe payday loans have their place in certain circumstances and meet a particular need.

With regard to Debt Management companies, the Government is working with stakeholders to develop a Protocol of best practice for debt management plans which will cover transparency of fees and costs (particularly where they are upfront), misleading advertising, and safeguarding client accounts.  Again, in my view, working with the industry and trade bodies makes absolute sense before considering legislation and heavier regulation.
It's worth also noting that – in both cases – the approach being proposed will deliver faster results than would be achieved by the introduction of legislation.  Finally, as an aside, I have to mention again my particular soapbox that Debt Management Plans should be reported in the insolvency statistics so that the published numbers are a true representation of personal insolvency levels.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Weekly Blog by Philip King, CEO of the ICM - 'The importance of being individual'

I had the privilege and pleasure of presenting the ICM's Meritorious Service Award to Laurie Beagle earlier this week at one of his forums. For those who don't know, the Institute of Credit Management introduced the Meritorious Service Award in 1982 to recognise people who have made a notable and commendable contribution to national or local Institute activities. Normally, two awards are made each year and the list of recipients includes some well-known and influential figures from across the credit industry.

Laurie is a worthy recipient given that he has been a member of the Institute since 1983 and a Fellow for over 20 years. The credit forums he organises and runs through P&A Receivables play a significant role in building and developing the wider credit community, which is why the ICM is happy to support them, and there are numerous credit professionals who would attest to the help Laurie has given to them in their jobs and professional development.

Reflecting on the award reminds me of how important our individual contributions can be. I often talk and write about the value of good credit management and the importance of professionalism but that professionalism, and the value that accrues from it, comes from individuals and we can all choose whether our contribution and impact on those around us is positive or not. We know the impact of 'one rotten apple' and we will all know people who brighten a room when they enter it, and others who seem to depress the mood by their very presence. This is a bit deep and philosophical for me but I remember being told as a child that I always had a choice as to whether to have a good impact or a negative one.
Sometimes we forget the influence we have and those of us who have been around for more years than we care to remember could do worse than remind ourselves of this. I've just resolved to try harder to stay positive and encourage those around me!

Friday, 8 June 2012

Weekly Blog by Philip King, CEO of the ICM - 'Pomp and circumstance'

Well, my wife Mary and I celebrated our 34th wedding anniversary last weekend. Although our celebrations didn't quite match up to those of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, we nevertheless had a great time and it was good to have an extra couple of days off!  The royal pageantry was amazing and impressive, and I confess to being mesmerised by the way images were projected onto Buckingham Palace during Monday's concert. Even on television, it was simply awesome, and it was certainly one of the weekend's highlights for me.

On a more everyday subject, I was interested to read the report about bank loan appeals last week.   Professor Russell Griggs, who I know well, was appointed independent arbitrator under last year’s Project Merlin pact between Government and the banks, with a remit to adjudicate when companies with sales of up to £25 million feel that they have been unfairly refused credit.  Most appeals were from retailers, construction companies, restaurants and hotels complaining about limits placed on overdrafts or credit cards. Half of the amounts in dispute were sums of less than £5,000, although a few were higher than £1 million.  During the first year of the scheme, 114,000 applications (14 percent) were declined by the Taskforce banks, of which 2,177 were taken to appeal.  Of these, the report reveals that 39.5 percent were successful.

Professor Griggs says he thinks the numbers are reasonable, given that no one had any idea how many appeals there would be, but that the banks need to ensure all customers know they can appeal, which not all do currently and that needs to change.  He adds the suggestion that, if more knew they could appeal, there is a possibility more might apply for credit in the first place.

That is perhaps one of the most worrying comments in the whole report.  My experience of talking to many SMEs is that there is limited awareness of the appeals process, even from companies who genuinely believe they, or their financial numbers, have been misinterpreted by a banker.  We can all play our part in making small businesses aware of the process, details of which can be found at: