There are, for example, some mixed messages coming out, especially from the politicians. On the one hand, the Government support EU moves to cut red tape for SMEs by reducing their obligations over the detail of financial reporting, while on the other they believe that financial data is essential for granting credit and therefore facilitiating growth.
Businesses need to be educated about the importance of producing, using and sharing information: they need to produce accounts, because in doing so they will be able to manage their businesses better; they need to use the information they have, and so identify how and where they can free up cash in their business; and they need to share that information to access finance or negotiate better terms with their suppliers.
I was also invited this week to the ABFA (Asset Based Finance Association) Conference, sharing the platform with my colleagues from the FSB and FPB among others in an event chaired by Fiona Bruce. The conference created a vigorous debate about late payment legislation. I disagreed entirely with the FSB position: legislation really won't change anything even though we might all wish it would.
Finally, I note an interesting thread on the ICM Bulletin Board this week about alternative approaches to cash collection. It touched on one of my soapbox themes: good credit management adds value across the entire business - creating profitable sales, improving the quality of the organisation at all levels, retaining customers AND maintaining vital cashflow; knowing - and understanding - our customers is a vital element if we are going to be successful and if we're going to make the contribution to our businesses that we can, and should!
http://twitter.com/philipkingicm http://twitter.com/icmorg
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